Thursday, 19 December 2013

 was watching tv late one night and its was some art program about the reineccsence, a lot of work featured mary and her son Jesus, i'm not into church stuff etc, but the church did put some foundations in western art back then. We still learn from artists and, images of this period in art history. noticing images like this where popular, i quickly had the idea of using the same idea as a metaphor about some graffiti ways dieing, but rebirthing in other ways esp since the time i started back in 85, anyway i jotted this down so quick and was tired so please excuse the drawing, just put it down so i wouldn't forget, as many times i've thought of ideas like many artists only to forget the idea in the morning....might do something with it one day, after i've drawn it from a true model/models..
 real quick "selfie" the old fashioned way i did some time ago....
 just drawings for ideas, and practice in my blackbook.
 same here, but ive begun to paint from this sketch, but setting it in a NYC subway train, instead of a bus, i'll paint a bus scene though as we and a lot of writers battered insides before we had single deckers and cameras everywhere, only with we took and had photos, at the time we never thought about it, not only that there was no digital cameras like today.
As many buses where covered and they looked beautiful in a way with different coloured pens etc, stickers even buntlack, but yeah as it got dark seeing the buses illuminate the tags from the lighting inside the buses, it looked amazing esp if you where near the bus station seeing all the buses run to there destinations around the city with all windows hit on all the double deckers that run back then..great days!!..
more sketch pad rough drawings..

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