Monday 31 December 2012

scroe by noir ats

scroe by noir ats by scroezcvk
scroe by noir ats, a photo by scroezcvk on Flickr.
exchange by Noir, now in jail for decorating trains, man is not a threat to any kids, people, yet he gets over 2 years in jail for brighting up peoples wet Monday mornings with graffiti, while perverts, pissed up drivers, corrupt MP's with dodgy pasts Bankers etc.. they all get fuck all as usual!!

skroez, by corze..sep2011_inked-1

exchange by corze..


 some new sketches from Graffiti to Raving, ideas from my Memory and Imagination for paintings i might do..
idea for a train exploding with colour, kinda like the explosion of colour you see on a train pieced or bombed, not chemically, but with paint, just graff ideas..
 drawing female forms using techniques when you haven't got models..etc.
 drawn from a mag, then went Bez style from the happy mondays, just drawing for a painting or too on the rave scene.
Drawing from memory in part about the raves north of Cardiff in the woods back in the lates 80's early 90's, the poilce would try to break us up, from dancing in the middle of the forest using about 30-40 poilce, while the city center would be a mess with fights pissed up people filling hosptals and all the shit booze used and still does to people, yeah people dropped MDMA and LSD, but there was never any fights or bad vibes, but rather than use the man power to poilce the city center, they where more intrested in stopping us just dancing, the money and man power used to stop raves whould be better put in the city with the shit booze causes. MP's know the drug war wont and is not winable but they havent the balls to stand up and say so, until they leave there jobs, Theres prob more Coke put away in Government and parliament than Colombia. Legalising drugs would loose to much money for there rich boy mates in big pharma, Oil, and other things going on, just look up drug deaths to ciggertte & booze deaths each year, its hard to find an unbiased view on that from Gov numbers though..
Things must change, prohibition in don't work, humans by nature, of us, have danced around fires and took mind changing substances for as long as mankind as been around, Raving is just a modern form of that.
I'll be here all day going on about it all and how hypocritical MP's and Tory government is..The rave scene was born out as part of the shit of years of Tory rule, lets hope something as big happens again, though raves are far from dead, just not in the media as much..
bit LSD trip like outline, you reach an age and want to revisit your youth.
Again found on the Strickly London Blog, This short film by Henry chalfant, of early Hip hop. with Graffiti writers, BBoy/BGirls, DJ's, & MC's.
Some fresh faced young legends of the scene here in this short video.
Everything about it is what attaracted me and my peers back in 84-85, From the Graff, Vibe, the Funk, Hip hop had back then, that sadly as gone from the music and vibe thats Rap music today, All the Bling and aggression is just boring and played out,
Maybe I'm older & I guess its attractive to young people living in poverty still, in the states and here. But these guys and the Generation before them set the standard without all that shit and negativity you get in rap today, to me rap died in the late 80's, apart from a select few crews out there, tuff crew, P.E, Rakim, etc...
anyway this video oozes education to what real hip hop culture was about before the money and bullshit stopped the party..
check out yourself, I'm so glad the likes of Henry Chalfant got involed in this culture and stayed involed, when he could of made his $ from Subway art and left with his dollar earned from the skills of these writers, from the book and style wars...

Anyway check the

Or here,..
You have to check out Amazing, Ces blackbook sketches and pieces from this dope Blog, Strictly Londonbound
So dope full of wit and brillant in everyway..

LINK...ceshes-one-funky-brother....Check it..

scroe, by merc..

scroe, by merc.. by scroezcvk
scroe, by merc.., a photo by scroezcvk on Flickr.
One of the great things about graffiti and the web, is being able to exchange sketches, I Been meaning to post up some outlines from exchanges and pieces by writers that used an one of my outlines of there name to paint up, its really a buzz to see what they done, pure humbling, anyway receiving outlines from top old skool writers to new heads really makes my week. I hope 2013 will be busy in exchanges, requests etc..
Was pure and still is happy to get this by merc ACR from London, man was dropping panels etc, on the London Underground back in 86-87. still going on strong to this day..

cheers ..

Friday 28 December 2012


Skullism by
Skullism, a photo by on Flickr.

dope painting, love the way hes painted each shade in fat cap, its like a brush free, expressionist way of spray painting, pure class..


rmer1 by
rmer1, a photo by on Flickr.
love this by rmer, reminds me of the futurists movement..


Badaboom by
Badaboom, a photo by on Flickr.


Limited edition silkscreen print of 15.
Printed onto 300 gram quality heavy weight Fabriano paper.
Size: 50 x 33 cm
Colour: Magenta/dark purple fade on white.
£15 inc free delivery

Trackside tshirt

Trackside tshirt by
Trackside tshirt, a photo by on Flickr.
Not posted for a while, But have to post these..
I will post a load of work very soon, As soon as I scan in my prep, sketches for ideas, and paintings..
I've ordered a pen to enable me to draw straight to my pc, nothing fancy or full of bells an whistles, just a cheap one to see if i like drawing with a pen straight to pc.
for working rough sketches and ideas and work compositions..
I'll invest in a better one when I'm able to afford a new computer or laptop next year some time.
Like many people, Xmas busted my savings, so new yea, new start.
Which brings me to my change from painting with Acrylic, I do like acrylic it as its place, just found it a pain with drying to quick, Esp when mixing colours with a palette knife, going back and finding the paint dried up or to tacky, also the colour shift, and layers of paint to get a decent colour, and i found some colours seemed to dry to disappointing washed out colours,
dont get me wrong acrylic has benefits, but i found painting with them frustrating at times, in fact I'd use lots of paint, but it still never has that punch oils can give you.
I'm not talking cheap acrylic too.
I've not used oils properly since art school, then it wasn't a alot as i was printmaking mainly.
So i've a lot to learn, but I'm happy with a painting i've just begun, working "alla prima" or wet on wet, instead of glazing, with another dedication to kase 2, Its how he overcome his disability's and rocked some of the best burners that inspire, also his personality he had, and a true style master general.
(I found an interview online I must add it here too)
With the painting I'm just going on as a go with it, mostly from imagination, including kase's likeness.
Its part of the subway series i'm painting.

Anyway I've spoke to much for now, Just want to add some work by Rmer and Hoxe. Starting with this Trackside T.shirt that are for sale on R'mers site.
He's done some dope canvases too, I'll add them very soon, as there too good IMO..

PS hope anybody reading a had a great Christmas & I wish you a dpe Year ahead. I know my diary is full work wise, with my ideas etc. I must take Kase 2's example and try to paint at least a silver..

anyway, more to come soon..
nice one!!!!!!!
ps i'll put a link follow that to Trackside & Rmers site where you can check, and purchase these shirsts, and Canvases etc..