Tuesday 28 February 2012

A drawing of Futura, I did while a break in toothache I've had since Thursday, of which the timing couldn't of been more worse which ill explain later on.
This drawing of Futura I got, from pausing a online documentary about an art show by Lee QuiƱones, Swoon, Futura, Mister Cartoon, Revok, Retna, Martha Cooper, Mode2, Invader, etc.
I've never seen it before, its pretty interesting the questions it raises about how graffiti is looked at today from when it begun in New York and Philly over 40 years ago, with views expressed from the artists, The gallery and of-cause the Law.
Its sad to learn how severe sentences are, still.. When compared too, (in my opinion) much worse crimes to persons, than painting on public walls. 
Its an interesting view on how graffiti, is seen in the eyes of the art world too. I'm glad it shows a range of different artists like letter writers, and is not just focused on stencil or street artists that some films are guilty of..
Anyway check it out for your self..
Its from this French site here if you can read French unlike me..

Friday 24 February 2012

Thursday 23 February 2012

check out Trackside gallery for some dope new canvases by corze..

sketch idea, clique type character I did some time ago, but might make a canvas with throw ups of crew mates etc....

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Flick of Mao roughing an outline at Llanrumney.HOF.
 Too, Mao's left side, a blockbuster steel by foe, to Mao's right, spasm by hoxe..

An old flick from 1993 of a little known one man HOF basically with Mao roughing an outline on a piece..
I'm not sure if this place is still there, it was in Llanrumney behind some flats that Hoxe once lived at.
It was perfect because he could paint when he wanted, also the neighbours where cool.
What the story is, We recently had a large shipment of free paint from dupi-colour's paint factory in Stockport, They sent us a palette of damaged, discontinued colours, most of it worked fine, man there was so much paint we never had enough places to put it all.
Though Mr Hoxe was very willing to look after some of the paint lol, and made good use of it too in this spare waste ground behind his flat at the time.
The place was big He painted most of it too, He'd go and do something when he felt like it with coffee only a few yards away..lol..
I don't think we took photos of everything there, which was very typical of us..
Also before digi cameras, you'd forget, loose or not bother taking film photos, I wish we documented all our photos from Bombing buses, I mean they where battered by everyone active in this city, but looked great esp at night with different colour tags on the windows, panels, even floors when there was no room left...
Also, All the chromies as we nicked named them back then on the mainline tracks. a lot of flicks we did snap where took by BTP during the raids, called Operation Anderson, in this City, Bristol, Birmingham , Bath, Exeter, Plymouth, etc. I'd wish to get them pictures again, and the pictures BTP took themselves to gain evidence against us for the case.
I can imagine a retired BTP officer with pound signs in his eye's, waiting on a gold mine of U.K. photos from so many raids and cases, ready to publish in some book, like the NYC vandal squad, did with there book.or some smart arse lawyer able to gain access to the thousands upon 1000's. of flicks stored away in some vault or room?

Nice one..
I've been searching the web for reference flicks etc for some London Underground paintings, Ive recently begun and I'm waiting for some canvases in the post, Anyway I come across this video Steel Injection

So dope to look back at the scene back then in London, I wish I was a part of it in some way, (I might of been if my Granddad didn't move to Cardiff from London)
The closest I and my fellow crew mates got, was to travel to the Big smoke a lot back in the 80s.
It felt like London was the closest you'd get to the south Bronx, esp around Ladbroke grove and Westbourne park.
Its hard to imagine now, with the internet etc, but what happened in London would filter down to city's like Cardiff some months later, I'm not talking about Graff too, It was everything from Fashion, Music, If you wanted the freshest trainers or tunes etc, you had to visit London it was that or nothing, not like today with a touch of a mouse.
But that was so appealing about travelling to London and citys like Bristol which had a fresh vibe its self. 
Its like paint for instance, You couldn't get pink in the 80s no way, apart from mixing caps or mixing white and red at the same time on to your piece you where doing..
Apart from Inkspot that sold buntlac which was a tiny shop in clifton street back in the 80s that was so damn difficult to rack from, the paint was behind the till, perched on top of a ledge only the tall old man that owed the shop at the time could reach. Also the paint was prob more expensive than gold weight for weight, It felt like that when you where earning £5.50 a week doing a morning and afternoon paper round, and the paint you wanted was £7-8, Prob about £25 in today's money.
You had more luck with London, It was a status thing too to have pink or lilac in your piece back in the 80s, esp here in Cardiff.
Yeah London was like a time-zone back then.You followed styles too, If you wanted to be fresh you had to vist London, I remember when me and Hoxe where heavily into doing long stretched wildstyle letters with side blocking or 3D, I remember coming back from London after seeing some pieces by Hate, (He was one of my fav writers, him Kast, Cazbee Foam etc), that where just basic straight letters but looked fresh..From then we where back doing more simple styles that had more funk in a way ( I alway think that simples are the key and foundation to every other style)..Everybody was inspired by what was going on in London, from handstyles to colour-schemes etc.I loved  the ledge as you approached Paddington it gave you a rush of excitement, and a sense of who was up and the health of the scene that week. This must seem so alien to anyone from London that lived it and was used to the city graffiti scene.
Anyway, I must link another site thats pure gold, for what was going on in London back then, Easily one of the best sites out there for u.k/London graffiti history.

 Such a dope site!!

 And this is the very piece by Hate I was talking about, Flick is from photos we me and Mao took during one of our many visits to the bog smoke..
I'll post more photos from this collection soon..

Monday 20 February 2012

Just a couple of drawings, one here is an idea about online company's what's really behind them? etc, Its prob been done already, I'm sure I've seen a dope painting of a person covered in tattoo'd company Brands,This was on the same tip, I thought I'd draw a gangster with social web tattoos instead of gang tattoos in a mug shot type way..I might use it as a painting some time. ( if I ever get around to it that is..lol) I just thought I'd post it up as a drawing for now..

Saturday 18 February 2012

On the B.Boy tip, I did a sketch of B.Boy Slammo and Rmer.@ cvk
Slammo's been on the scene since the 80's and runs a dope foundation/crew etc thats involved in all factors of the B.Boy/B.Girl Dance scene locally and U.K.
I might make this into a painting sometime in the future? but for now I've just done a not so good drawing, lol, making Brad look younger and somewhat stoned? - I think.. lol.. Though in reality brad is not old and don't smoke any weed for the record, ; )..
Anyway Check out what the good man Slammo is about Here at his web site

Nice one..

Some more rough/quick sketches on BBoy stances/poses, I'm thinking of maybe painting a few canvases sometime when I've worked on some other ideas I have. But I'm having real motivation issues regarding painting ATM, I'm OK when I start, just its getting started and I've got plenty to do!..I think its the fact I got so many paintings to do from graff styled paintings to realism, with different ideas and topics. I've still not settled down to a "style" of my own I don't think?...
I've got my own way of painting but there's something about my work that's not grounded to a personal style I think. I'm trying to paint so many subjects from NYC subway, and writers, same with the London underground ideas, Graffiti inspired work, Addiction paintings, plus a few other things. Then I've got all these different ideas I feel I can settle down. Though you see many artists that become known for there own thing, be it abstract to photorealism. I guess I'd get bored stuck in one type of style, not to take anything away from any other artists..
Its hard to explain where I'm at, I just see that I've wasted 20 years getting wasted, now as I approach 40 I want to try to make up some of the time and get on with work, just I'm pressuring myself, When I'm pressured or have deadlines I just can't work, its so hard to explain. Also its frustrating with my health, I'd love to be painting walls again, I've begun some treatment that might help, but the arthritis etc gets me down, some days are ok but some days I can't face working at all cause of the pain etc., then I feel guilty for not working and wind myself up more.. 
The way I use my time is typically daft, I'm dyslexic and dyslexic people not only have issues with spelling and maths, reading etc, but are very bad at organizing anything including time. I'm distracted so easy, I'll be doing something then a few hours later I've moved on to do another 3-4 things forgetting about what I was doing first lol...
 Also the web is a double edged sword, I love to check out other artists, learn and get inspired, Find ref flicks,watching you tube, even music helps inspire me..
But at the same time its time I could be working. I only use the computer during the day, the same time I tend to paint or draw. Its a bit to deep to go into details on why I don't do one or the other at night right now..
My time mangerment  is everywhere..
I also been thinking of going back to using oil paints, I just find acrylics  somewhat frustrating, I use them because of there good points like drying times, but that can be a problem too.
I'm going to buy a load of art materials soon from some money I've saved up since Christmas, I though it might be a good Idea with this period I'm going through and with all new canvases, brushes, paints, etc... could trigger some creativity?.
I'm going to give acrylics one last chance too, Its a good medium and the issue with oil paint is that spraypaint which is acrylic based these days don't mix good with acrylics., ,
so I'm thinking of buying more better grade acrylics "full body" paint,Its more expensive but might be worth it, Also there's some new paints out that stay open for longer and are meant to be more like oils than acrylics.
So I'm thinking of investing in the new "open or interactive" acrylics..
If these dont work I'll go back to using oils.
Anyway Enough talk for now I've things to do or try at least..; )

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Cardiff Graffiti Art: graffiti art mural

Cardiff Graffiti Art: graffiti art mural: BOMB SOUTH WALES Documenting all forms of graffiti art culture from South Wales since 2006 through photography and highl...

Monday 13 February 2012

Just a quick sketch for ideas, for a BBoy/Girl picture maybe sometime?.. I'm interested in capturing the B.boy stances, Breakers make before or after they've rocked there thing..
I need to sketch some more I think....

Wednesday 8 February 2012

IZ the WIZZ. R.I.P.
I've basically finished this IZ painting, I'm thinking it looks a little odd, all this was from imagination, (apart from his face) with a lot of artist license used I need to add a few tags of some other NYC legends I think. Also a few crew mates need to tag it
Its a dedication piece to the late great IZ THE WIZZ, Prob the most prolific subway writers of all time, He's certainly up there in the top 5.
Guy bombed so many car's, lines, insides, outsides, tracksides with his infamous IZ throw up.
I've painted him here doing his trademarked throw up. A lot of advertising agency's  and company's, have so much to learn from people like him.
Not only did he have 100's of pieces running on subway cars, from the mid 70s to the mid 80's. he got up on so many
Sadly due to all the tunnel dust, paint fumes, chemicals in the paint that would of been asorbed into his body via his lungs and skin set him up for kidney failure and other problems. This effected his health for the rest of his life. He was asked if he would take away all the fame he received from his graffiti, for his health. He said He'd rather have his health. I guess we take our health for granted until its to late.
I've ideas of painting another image of him. Such a true all round legendary graffiti King.
 An old HRC (Hard Roc Concept) tag from around 1987.
An old oil sketch for an idea for a painting I did 4-5 years ago, I might paint something from this idea soon..

Thursday 2 February 2012

Another Painting I've done is as part of a series of paintings I'm doing dedicated to the subway writers in New York.
I've painting Cope 2, T.Kid, and Case 2, in this image, who sadly lost his life in 2011 while I was painting this.
I have plans to paint a number of paintings dedicated to the very first writers in New York City, in the early 70's to the start of the London underground graffiti scene in London, back in the mid 80s.
I need to get some decent photographs of my work, I must invest an a camera, or get them photographed by somebody properly..
This has a few things that need doing to it still, including some input from my crew mates. but its about 95% done for now.