Tuesday 20 December 2011

 Jaze, (Twice-Jazeo-Finaaoutline/Fina 64) and Blue 202. Spar shop, Trowbridge, 1985/6

This dates back to at least 85, It might be 86, but due to the tags, Jazeo, ( Twice-Fina) Blue 202 I'm pretty certain its 85, Anyway its pretty old. I remember when they painted this, The guy who then owed the shop stupidly painted the panels in white gloss, or an oil based paint and spray paint and oil based paints don't mix to well. The paint did not sit well on the gloss, So close up the paint kinda bubbled basically. This was before all the paint made for graffiti, That are taken for granted these days.
It was still a dope piece back then
This was the first piece in Trowbride shops too, Trowbridge shops became an unstated H.O.F in a way, First there was this one.. Then there was a dope illegal piece called "No Crime Graffiti" that magically appeared one morning back in 85 on the church boundary wall, I so wish there where photos of it, ( I'll try to find some for sure has this blog takes shape). I remember the very first time I seen it, after school one day coming home via the shops then Boom!! it hit me for six as I  walked around the corner, I had to sit down and take it in for 15-20mins.That was the appeal back then, just seeing pieces in the flesh you never knew where they sprung up over night.
It was the same with the Pieces in the Subways and flat walls in St.Mellons, and in Trowbridge, waking up and Bam! some dope piece that impacted you like a knock out punch!..Esp if it was a glum drizzling afternoon, in a council estate during Thatchers reign in the 80s.
. These pieces helped make Trowbridge seem legal to paint, (It was never legal to paint there, Just we would turn up on a Sat or Sunday , knowing if police turned up, they couldn't contact and ask the council
Most people assumed it was legal as we where painting during the day, so didn't have much issues, they buffed the walls, but we'd paint on top, A lot of writers around used the same tactics)
But if it wasn't for pieces like No Crime Graffiti by (Twice-Jaze). Things may of been different.I loved that piece.. It was one of them pieces that just hit you Pow in the face,
The mid 80s in the UK always seemed to be dull, dank depressing days, until graffiti came along, and the hip hop scene with break dancers turning there bodys into wildstyle type graffiti letters, DJ's Like Jaffa playing this cool new sound called rap, recording tapes, from John peels radio station, getting tunes from anyway such as the electro lp's in vinyl..
( I'm planing to paint a number of street sounds /Electro canvases, based on the artwork of these vinyl masterpieces of design, as an homage to them. The whole series too)

It all happened so fast, Just amazing days, Its like the shit and glum days of living in a always wet, council estate, which was injected with light, and excitement, from the colour and movement of graffiti,
The moves these B.Boys and B.Girls where doing where just incredible, DJ's before hip hop and up to then, used to play shitty pop and just the cheesiest music/discos,with shite decks in places with names such as the ritzy, There was one in every town where everyone would be wearing stay press, and shoes and suits.
The Light show would be glitzy balls, with small dance floors, and a Ego centric DJ, wishing people happy birthdays while playing records like Abba, or party songs. The Dj's didn't even know what it was to mix one record seamlessly to another.Girls where in high heels 80 styles, This was going on all around the U.K.
Until Hip hop arrived firstly in records like rappers delight, by the time of 83, the gift from New york, had reached our shores in force...
It was incredible. This youth movement that was classed as a fad, came at the right time.
With out graffiti and Hip hop, I'm not sure how my or the lives of my contemporaries would be now.
With out Hip hop, further youth movements like Acid, house, Raves, I'm not sure they would of took place as they did.
anyway You have to check out The skills in Break dancing
Clock these moves here..

Some more moves here too, These guys beat gravity..

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