Tuesday 13 December 2011

first post, just testing

Firstly dont laugh, No..lol.. please do!!!..

Because its my first post in this blog, I'd thought, I'd post an image that nobody has seen from back in 1986, Me (Mabe, one of my tags back then) Mao and a writer called Rak1, ( he didn't have that name for nice letters etc, his tag summed him up perfectly, He was a wizard in the art of racking paint, just one of them types that just does it with no sweat, and would fill up including a ruck sack, then go and stash the paint before returning to grab a shit load, I always remeber when racking paint trying to do it quietly as we could, with out rattling the paint. Rak1 just went for it.
Great artist also. Recently heard from him, so hopefully I'll get to see what he's been doing.
Well this sorry excuse of painting was done back in the day when abstracted styles where in.. This really was painting with scraps of Car-plan, on a bit of wall, I don't think it was anything series. Just testing out effects I guess.
With this blog I'm going to post lots of stuff that's pretty bad, raw, and terrible and just ideas, sketches, all kinds of stuff that would not see light of day, so expect a lot of bad artwork, inspiration i find from other artists, and some dope work by my crew mates,
But my input will be a warts an all, look at all kinds of crap over the years. It might be more about ideas and rough sketches, outlines, and messed up drawings.. I'll just take this as it comes.
Dec 13, 2011.

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