Friday, 20 July 2012

Some Random Mons pieces from a few years back. This One was at a city jam

A R-mer piece in the making, at the same city jam..
A what a call "nice" painting for my Gr Aunty Viv.. 
 Kicking piece and  for BBOY/GAL Jam, By Hoxe and Rmer cvk
 A Rough sketch for man like Foe cvk..
 A Hoxe (hoe) on this old dreg killer..
My start on a Mons

 A rather drunken view of the piece
 Basically finished here
 And here..
Anthor Mons with Crew members..Hoxe..
 Rmer on character duties..
 Hoxe, with an older a Mons silva in the background, part of two silva's one hoxe and one mons..

Bode Rmer stylee!
Bode taking form..
 Looking real funky, Cant go wrong with Bode, esp when writers add there own personal twists on the characters, That's what its all about putting your own flavour on what your painting, be it a Character, or Letterform, straight letter to interlocking wildstyle lettering, its just adding your own twist on things..

 Mr Solve dropping his flavour

 Mons basically done, though colours are over exposed
mr Hoxe, Rocking as usual!!

 Mr Foe on the tip..
 Don't ask me how to stitch flicks together!.. Me and P.Shop and many other software programs i just cant manage to pick it all up, My attention span including my short term memorys and dyslexia makes trying to learn even simple programs ends up confusing me, simple things become appear difficult.My memorys fades away its difficult to explain...

Well I'm Thick!!!!!!! It must be true.. : )
Another feast of the BADA BOOM, BBOY, By Rmer..

Some Music for the Bode Guy, Some fucked up tunage..This is the original version of "Gamma Goblins" (from the 1996 single "Deranger") mixed together with "Gamma Goblins Part 2" (from the 1997 album "The Lone Deranger"). By Hallucinogen.


Sunday, 1 July 2012

 Just some Random flicks...

 Tina,.. Methaphetimine has many names and forms, but its prob the very worst shit to put in your body, Stuff is stupid, thats the Nickname you should rember, Tina or Ice Terrible shit..!!!!!..
R-mer sketch, with character of skeme from subway art..
 a wip yardshot
 Another yardshot thats W.I.P.
 Old painting Ive been reworking, this is an old photo, New one should be done and completed soon!
Added Trap straight letter to Yard shot flick, Its dedicated to the old skool writers that the Vandal squad would try to Trap, in yard. Just at the time the VS where middle aged donught eating Squad that where tripping to get young agile, fit street wise writers on busts, From Imagination so not sure if this is the correct setting at the time, in the Yards in NYC.
I further completed this with rain etc..
An hoxe from a few years back..
 Old Mons dregs killer from years back..

 Loved this Hoxer,I might use as a reference,  for a painting on a canvas as part of a idea i have, it Hoxes cool with it..
Elm street its ethier Raining, like a wind tunnel, the natives are frendily most of the time, though Thats when there high or just scored
 ols sketch from years back, notice the tobacco, which i gave up well over 3 and half years back!
Old Mons from city jam a few years back when painting was pain but still bearable Anyway I might post flicks of the day next..

Nice one,