Monday 10 March 2014

Sissy Strut Painting.not fully completed here.. More to come from her soon..

Rmer Sketch

For Crew mate, Rmer, I had a bit of a fit I think..think it might of gave me ideas for another sketch, painting, even a piece!..
 Some sketches inspired by a local artist, called Harry Holand, that I was lucky to visit at his studio twice some years back here in Cardiff, Wales. UK. I love his paintings and drawings, he shows his work at some local and not so local gallery's, I'll link his site below. Where you can see his work and Info on the Artist himself.
 Harry Holland inspired, I've no models so need to join some art group soon, drawing the human form is key to improving all your drawings no matter what you do, that's only my personal opinion of cause. I tend to draw from imagination, memory or copy some work but try to put my stamp on it.
Some more studies, I must post a Harry Holland Sketch I used, for a quick thumbnail sketch and how I got it wrong with the hair, nose and chin..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Heres two Links to Harry Holland, One his web site, and secondly his Brilliant Blog.
               Harrys Site. & Harry's Brillant Blog.

Thursday 19 December 2013

 was watching tv late one night and its was some art program about the reineccsence, a lot of work featured mary and her son Jesus, i'm not into church stuff etc, but the church did put some foundations in western art back then. We still learn from artists and, images of this period in art history. noticing images like this where popular, i quickly had the idea of using the same idea as a metaphor about some graffiti ways dieing, but rebirthing in other ways esp since the time i started back in 85, anyway i jotted this down so quick and was tired so please excuse the drawing, just put it down so i wouldn't forget, as many times i've thought of ideas like many artists only to forget the idea in the morning....might do something with it one day, after i've drawn it from a true model/models..
 real quick "selfie" the old fashioned way i did some time ago....
 just drawings for ideas, and practice in my blackbook.
 same here, but ive begun to paint from this sketch, but setting it in a NYC subway train, instead of a bus, i'll paint a bus scene though as we and a lot of writers battered insides before we had single deckers and cameras everywhere, only with we took and had photos, at the time we never thought about it, not only that there was no digital cameras like today.
As many buses where covered and they looked beautiful in a way with different coloured pens etc, stickers even buntlack, but yeah as it got dark seeing the buses illuminate the tags from the lighting inside the buses, it looked amazing esp if you where near the bus station seeing all the buses run to there destinations around the city with all windows hit on all the double deckers that run back then..great days!!..
more sketch pad rough drawings..

Monday 9 December 2013

 An abstract print/etch, I did other 10 years ago, based on the shapes in the museum/art gallery of Wales in Cardiff. I might paint an abstract painting like this soon..
 Merc sketch fill..
 Recent Noir Sketch.
 Commission draft.
 Another Commission sketch
 Sketching ideas.
 Quick sketch for painting idea..
 Some more sketching
 Sketch from a T.V. programme about art, drew the model on the programme while artists in the show did a painting of the model...

 Been a loooonnngg Time since ive posted, been working on stuff, drawings and paintings and graffiti outlines etc. I painted this years back in 2003, this photo is the only one ive got, i gave the picture away in a charity event. its a picture about addiction a subject that i plan to work on more.

 Again some unfinished paintings bode, whe're I borrowed the image in the chair from Rmer.
 again some old work
 Another couple of old paintings. if ive posted these before, sorry its been so long since ive posted, I'm hoping on a new camera to take shots of my work after xmas..

Monday 29 July 2013

First post in so long!!!, just been busy working on paintings, sketches for people etc,..also I'm so slow at painting my own oil paintings and acrylics, which has took a lot of time esp one painting or two..
I've bought a few airbrushes and compressor, i'm hoping to learn some new things, mind you i have to learn how to use one all over again. I've not used one in 17 years, the ones out now work the same way but seem very different to how I remember them
hopefully in the next few days i'll post something with the airbrush. though don't expect anything good..
i'm posting this today for my uncle, hes making some of the dope'est deep soulful house music atm, simply amazing, so much talent, these sketches where some rough drafts for him, ive done something different since.

Anyway if you like house, that has that classic late 80s, 90s vibe, kinda Chicago and New-York styling, in flavor check his tunes man if like me your into good house tunes you'll feel these..
check, Radio Cardiff, DJ Silva's show, he used to rock SUBWAYS back in 89-90 in Cardiff..still rocks his tunes...

check the link here..

cool, peace..

Wednesday 5 June 2013

a bit of work i've been doing recently, most is from imagination, memory.. i need to start life drawing soon.. ive more work on the go, but thought i'd post something at least, for now until the paintings and sketches graff and art based, are completed and i'll post up soon....
nice one, peace ya'll for now.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Pnut, (inspired by subway art) This is one of the earliest pieces done in Cardiff, St,Mellons. it was done by my uncle whose tag then was Pnut, this must be 1984-85, this inspired me and many others on the estate to start painting graff, i seen this before subway art infact, anyway it turned up on facebook so props to the guy that had and posted this picture.
it was never touched for years, infact though it faded by the sun, rain etc it was still able to be seen up onto when the council buffed it around 10 years ago. So happy to of found this, it really is graff history in cardiff, just hope more pictures are found and put up, even though i dislike facebook, without it or  the people on it you wouldn't have gems seeing light of day on cyberspace..
classic local old skool graffiti history..

the above picture or piece above was based on kase 2 computer rock, 1985 stylee, i think this was the first permissioned wall in the heart of the estate and maybe the city?
it was sorted by dancer frankie johnson, a minor local celebrity in Cardiff at the time, and was sponsored/funded by the bank, a club in town, this was even featured and published in the local rag, south wales echo. back then graffiti was a new thing, most thought it was a passing fad from the bronx, new york. little did they know its now gaining much more support in the art world, kinda reminds me of the impressionists in paris in the 1860's where monet, renoir, degas, etc they were laughed at by the pretentious art elite, it took around 20 years for these artists to have the last laugh and for people to get into their artwork and start to buy works, making the artists very rich, and setting modern art and the movements that followed after.
This has happened a lot since in the art world, where one critic can make you a star or failure.
i'm not sure if the artworld is good for graffiti though.
also you can't say graffiti is mindless shit, compared to other art movements?
what other artform was born out of poverty by young pissed off youth, that used trains to carry there name around the city.
who risked and still risk, arrest, jail sentences, risk your life for your art, use letters instead of images, an abstract type of art most people like, you hear positive comments by joe public when painting, though you still get the 10% that dislike it, its propaganda by the government's media that turn people away from the positive vibes graffiti bring out in many people that my and younger generations, now as these people age and have the money, though at the moment due to the banks gambling peoples money we have a lack of money around.
hopefully this will turn around in the next 5-10 years. oh ive had positive feedback about the 80's jam being planned, hopefully things will be dope on the day if we go ahead with this jam set for the bank holiday in aug, i'll speak in more detail about that soon, but we've got a place to hold it now, its just seeking funding for paint, boards, dj's, break and street dancers, and with the 80s music policy to go with the day we'll have mc's, and dancers, writers battling etc.
anyway ive more things to post soon, i've been slack on this blog, just with this new laptop, ive not put much artwork on it also my printer.scanner doesn't seem to work with this Windows 8 laptop, i'll sort everything out soon as..
I'm going to do a deal with my neighbour with my last main PC so i'll sort out all the flicks, music i have on that and move it all to an external hard drive and new desktop pc i'm hoping to get soon.
anyway nice one,,, take care,, peace for now....